The FM Club
S03.02 Empire Burlesque (Song-by-Song) with Jim Beviglia

S03.02 Empire Burlesque (Song-by-Song) with Jim Beviglia

Last week on Dylan.FM we talked about Empire Burlesque with Jim Beviglia - but never posted it on Substack. Here it is. 25 Min for free version, 55 Min for Premium.

Our look at 1984-1988 continues with a deep dive into Empire Burlesque.

Following 18 months after Infidels, nothing about the making of this record - the recording process, the sound, the songs, or even the cover art - suggested that Dylan was on solid footing. The times were a-changin' again.

Yet the music did impress some: Rolling Stone asked: "Is Dylan “back”? Again? One is tempted to trumpet some such tidings. ...Empire Burlesque is nothing as straightforward as a simple return to rock & roll form for Dylan."

In this episode we look at the first proper release in our focus years of 1984-1988, talking with music writer Jim Beviglia about Empire Burlesque and each of the songs it contains.

Jim writes about music for American Songwriter, Culture Sonar, and has written a series of books called Counting Down Their 100 Finest Son…

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The FM Club
Dylan.FM takes deep dive looks at specific albums or periods in Bob Dylan's life and work, usually one quarter at a time. We begin with a full year focused on Time Out Of Mind and have now moved on to look at 'the middle years' between 1978 and 1993. There are posts, podcasts, events, social media and more - both free and Premium for our members.