Go you, Dave for re-vamping your Twitter/X content in here! It’s so powerful to do this. I hope I get to read the entire series. I know nothing about Dylan and learned so much already! ♥️

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Jul 5Liked by Dylan Revisited

There are perks to being near Hibbing, Minnesota. Exposure to Bobby is high on the list! 😉

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Jul 5Liked by Dylan Revisited

I know the song is full of put downs but when I hear the sadness in his voice singing “I know you’re dissatisfied with your position and your place, if I was a master thief perhaps I’d rob them” I hear empathy. I always think of this and Like A Rolling Stone (and many others) as songs directed at his audience.

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It is interesting how the snarl in his voice on LaRS is absent from 4th St when the lyrics seems so angry. His delivery is restrained and it could be, as you say, a kind of sadness - or part of him feels sorry for the target of his put-downs.

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