The FM Club
S02.01 Home Alone - GAIBTY & WGW ft. Engineer Micajah Ryan

S02.01 Home Alone - GAIBTY & WGW ft. Engineer Micajah Ryan

Season Two Begins: We’re working backwards from TOOM this year, starting with the early 90’s acoustic albums. This episode is an introduction to that time and these records, with interview clips ft. Engineer Michajah Ryan.

The Paid/Premium version of this podcast is 31:47 with extra clips from Michajah and a bunch of extra GAIBTY reviews and commentary.

It's been said that the road to Time Out Of Mind began when Dylan recorded two solo acoustic albums in the early 90's. Good As I Been To You and World Gone Wrong were yet another unexpected twist in Dylan's path, but by playing alone, at home, on songs he'd known for years, the feeling is Bob reconnected with some important basics that allowed him to regroup and then go forward to write the amazing songs that came out in the late 90's and through the 2000's.

In this first episode of Season Two, we start our look at these two albums, placing them in time, hearing a bit about what it was like to make them, and rediscovering the first react…

This post is for paid subscribers

The FM Club
Dylan.FM takes deep dive looks at specific albums or periods in Bob Dylan's life and work, usually one quarter at a time. We spent all of our first year focused on Time Out Of Mind, but have moved on to work through the albums that came before it now. Most shows interview insiders, authors, experts, or serious fans who have some deep knowledge of the period we're examining. There are both free and Premium Extended Episodes plus some bonus episodes.