The FM Club
S02.06 Dylan's Guitar Playing on Good As I Been To You with Eyolf Østrem (Premium)

S02.06 Dylan's Guitar Playing on Good As I Been To You with Eyolf Østrem (Premium)


Free version is 29 Min, Premium version is 57 Min. Become a paid subscriber / Premium member to hear the Extended Episode or view the video.

When Bob Dylan returned as a solo acoustic recording artist in the early 90's, many were surprised. A lot of folks thought they would never again hear Bob alone with a guitar. But few thought if they did, the playing would be described as "magnificent, skilled, exciting" guitar work - as it was called by today's guest.

While it's often noted that Dylan's lyrics aren't meant to stand alone on the page, the music that accompanies them just doesn't get as much attention or discussion as those famously over-analyzed lyrics. Music is harder to write about, and very few have managed to do it well and to make their ideas accessible to all of us listeners who lack our own musical knowledge, experience, and even vocabulary.

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Eyolf Østrem is a Norwegian Musicologist and Dylan fan who has taken on that challenge. F…

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The FM Club
Dylan.FM takes deep dive looks at specific albums or periods in Bob Dylan's life and work, usually one quarter at a time. We spent all of our first year focused on Time Out Of Mind, but have moved on to work through the albums that came before it now. Most shows interview insiders, authors, experts, or serious fans who have some deep knowledge of the period we're examining. There are both free and Premium Extended Episodes plus some bonus episodes.